St. Francis Table Soup Kitchen began operation on Holy Saturday, April 10, 1982 during the period when Franciscans Friars staffed the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Atlanta. The name, St. Francis Table originated with the Franciscans who live their lives in imitation of St. Francis of Assisi.
St. Francis Table was started in response to the fact that there was a need for food for the hungry on Saturday. While various churches offered food during the week, there was no food program running on Saturday.
Currently, the SFT Soup Kitchen feeds 500 to over 700 people every Saturday. The only requirement for the people to be fed, is that they are hungry. Several organizations including parishes, religious denominations, colleges, high schools and companies participate in preparing the food.

Saint Francis Table
Volunteer FAQ
*Please read first - sign up below*
St. Francis Table begins operation at 7:00 AM each Saturday morning. At this time volunteers prepare sandwiches, if they have not been donated. Sometimes other churches or organizations donate the sandwiches. Soup is prepared from ingredients that are either donated or are, primarily, purchased from the Atlanta Community Food Bank (AFCB). No fish or shellfish is used. Coffee is put on to brew and cold drinks are prepared. The necessary cups, bowls, spoons and napkins are assembled and set out by the volunteers.
The guests are invited in at 10:00 AM. They enter through the door located on the Martin Luther King Boulevard side of the Shrine. They each receive a meat and cheese sandwich, bowl, cup, spoon and napkin. Once the guests are seated, the volunteers serve the soup from large pitchers. Each person is fed until they have their fill and then they leave through the door on the parking lot side of the church. As each guest leaves they are given desserts. After each group of guests leaves, the next group is let in. The kitchen stays open and serves soup and sandwiches until 12:00 noon when clean up begins.
Do not volunteer children under the age of twelve (12).
All children between the ages of 13 to 18 are to be supervised by their own parent or guardian at all times.
St. Francis Table is not a participating agency for court ordered community service. Please contact United Way at 211 for assistance in finding an agency that can fulfill any court mandated service.
Please register online to volunteer. You will be asked to provide your (or your group's) name, the name of a contact person with their cell phone number and email address. We do not require the names of any other individuals in your group, just the number of people coming. This information is requested in the event of any unforeseen cancellations or other events that might impact your serving on your scheduled day. If you find that you must cancel your participation please notify the church as soon as possible and cancel your group’s registration by emailing outreach@catholicshrineatlanta.org. ​
Groups are limited to a maximum number of attendees of 20. You will not be able to sign up for more than 20 persons.
If there are not enough volunteer slots left on a Saturday for every member of your group, please select another date. Some volunteers wait months for their turn to give their time to the Saint Francis Table. It is very disappointing to volunteer and then not be needed due to an overabundance of workers.
If you need to cancel after you have scheduled to volunteer, please email outreach@catholicshrineatlanta.org.
If you would like to be on the waiting list for a particular date, please email outreach@catholicshrineatlanta.org.
Please note that we request no organization publicity or photos while serving. We appreciate your understanding of the privacy of our guests.
Do not bring any donations during your visit except sandwiches if your group would like to provide our guests with additional food. Please DO NOT bring clothing, shoes, blankets, sleeping bags or any other items to donate. We do not have cleaning capabilities for such items. Please contact St. Vincent de Paul, United Way or the Salvation Army to make these donations. ​
Require documentation for service hours? ​Note: we are *not* qualified for court ordered community service.
IMPORTANT: Bring your school or organization form with you on the day of service.
Identify yourself to the SFT team leader at the start of the day.
You will be credited for 5 hours IF you stay the entire time.
Your form will be signed by the team leader after the end of service on the day of service only.
Your form may be signed by the St. Francis Table team leader or his designed appointee only.
We do not maintain a record of service hours and will not be able to verify any hours once you have left. Documentation of service hours is only signed on the same day as the service.
We do not verify service hours online with 3rd party service recorders.
Are you a Student and old enough to serve? Schedule your service well in advance. Saturdays during the school year fill VERY quickly. Saturdays during the Summer are frequently available! Help yourself AND Saint Francis table by getting your school service hours done before school even starts!

Please dress casually. You will be working in a kitchen and may have food or liquids splash on your clothes. You might wish to bring an apron to protect your clothing.
Wear comfortable closed toe shoes.
Volunteers should arrive between 7:00 and 7:30 AM Eastern.
The Church's address is 48 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive SW (or MLK Jr Dr SW). Please enter "SW" if you choose to use GPS for directions.
The closest parking is the Underground Atlanta Parking deck at the corner of MLK and Central Avenue. Parking is approximately $11.00 to $15.00 per car. We are unable to validate parking for Saturdays.
Volunteers report to the Parish Hall door on the south side of the building.
An inspiring morning feeding the hungry.
4 hr
FreeSet up table for clothing, toiletry, etc. donations, to be distributed
2 hr

Saint Francis Table
The St. Francis Table, Food Pantry, and Morning Sandwich Ministry are funded through donations from parishioners and friends of the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
How can you help us?
An Online Giving donation is available to the St. Francis Table through the Catholic Shrine.
Sign up to serve for Saint Francis Table on a Saturday. Many Saturdays are booked months in advance, so make your reservation as early as possible.
Organize a food drive for the Food Pantry.
Make meat and cheese sandwiches (no condiments) and deliver them to the church for Saturday morning or for use in our daily Morning Sandwich Ministry. (please call the Shrine Office and arrange for the delivery of your offering so that we can be sure someone will be onsite to receive it).
Donate bottles of water.
Volunteer Scheduling Tool FAQ
Note: Sometimes the scheduling tool makes the page 'jump' back to the top. As you progress with the booking and you may need to scroll back down to continue.
Step 1: Click on 'Make A Reservation'.
This will open up a calendar view that displays one week at a time. Select the date and that will allow you to change the view to your week of choice. SFT is only open on Saturday.
Step 2: Hover over 7:00 a.m. on the Saturday of your choice.
If that Saturday is full then 7:00 a.m. will change to the word 'full'.
If that Saturday still has volunteer places available you may proceed.
Step 3: Click on 7:00 a.m. to start your reservation.
Step 4: Look for the button that says 'Next'
In desktop the 'Next' button is to the right.
In mobile the 'Next' button may be below the calendar.
Step 5: Fill in the Registration Form
You will be asked for a group name, contact name, contact information, and to choose the number of participants.
Each Saturday begins with 40 volunteer slots. As slots fill up the number of participants that can register goes down. This is reflected in the 'Number of Participants' drop down.
If only 5 volunteer slots are left then you will only be able to sign up for 1-5 slots.
If you open the drop down and there is only a number 1, then there is only room for 1 volunteer to register. If you need more volunteer slots you will need to pick a different Saturday or spread your group out over a number of Saturdays.
The summer months usually have the largest need for volunteers.
Step 6: Click on the 'Book It' button
This will send you a confirmation email and will also let the SFT staff know to expect you.