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Sacrament of Confession and Reconciliation

Call the Parish Office at 404-521-1866 to make an appointment.


Anointing of the Sick

Call the Parish Office at 404-521-1866 to make arrangements.


Mass Schedule

Weekends - Saturday 9:00 AM, Sunday 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Weekdays - Friday 12:10 PM


Live Stream Mass - Friday 12:10 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM


Baptism Classes
Adult Initiation

Are you interested in exploring the Catholic Faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who has not received communion or been confirmed?


Adults enter the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), a process of education, reflection, and celebration of the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and first Eucharist. 


The Catholic Shrine is a beautiful and spiritual place to have your Catholic Wedding.


Please call the office at 404-521-1866 to make arrangements for your Catholic wedding preparation. 


Parents and

Have you been honored with the opportunity to become a godparent or have you been blessed with a baby that needs to be Blessed?




The Shrine regularly holds classes for those preparing for the Baptism of an infant or child. Please call the Parish office at 404-521-1866 for dates and to register.

Child Sacraments
Infant Baptism

Infant Baptisms can be scheduled by calling the office at 404-521-1866. Once your Baptism has been scheduled, please fill out this form.


You may also contact the Office at 404-521-1866 to sign up for one of the Baptism Preparation classes.

Youth Sacramental Preparation

The Archdiocesan guidelines specify that the preparation and reception of the sacraments are as follows:


  • First Reconciliation: 2nd Grade and up

  • First Communion: 2nd Grade and up

  • Confirmation: 9th-10th Grade Preparation

    • Receive Sacrament 10th grade and up​


For more information, contact our Director of Faith Formation, Nicole Hillman.

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